About Us
We're Glad You're Here
CrossRoads is one church meeting in many different locations with one vision. We want CrossRoads to be a place where people who may be at their own crossroads in life can find a safe place to seek God, be loved, and find God’s plan for their life through transformation.
Meet Our Staff

Rev. Dr. Lee Young
Lead PastorSend Email
Lee Young has been pastoring with his wife, Amy, at CrossRoads since 2000. He is an ordained minister with his master's in Christian Counseling from Grand Canyon University and pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry from Nazarene Theological Seminary. He has authored three books (Prepare For Greater Things, With All Your Heart, and The Sacred Union). His teaching focuses on transformation within by the Holy Spirit to live God's abundant plan.

Sarah Ramirez
Executive DirectorSend Email
Sarah Ramirez is a graduate of the University of Texas and has been a part of Crossroads for 15 years. In 2014 she joined the staff as the Learning Center and Academy Director. In 2018 she transitioned into the Executive Director position. She has been married for 18 years to her high school sweetheart, Richard. They have 3 wonderful sons Richard III, Gabriel and Abraham

Dr. Derrick Thomas
Strategic Planning and Pastoral CareSend Email
Derrick Thomas has been serving at CrossRoads at various times for over 20 years. After thirty-nine years in education, he retired from SAISD where his training helped prepare him for his new role at CrossRoads, the pastor of strategic planning and campus development. He counts it a blessing to work with such a great team, under the Leadership of Pastor Lee, as they work to fulfill the vision of ten campuses in ten years.

Zach Young
Lead Worship and Spiritual Growth PastorSend Email
Zach Young has been serving at CrossRoads for five years. He continues to serve as Worship Leader, but he also has served as Marketing Director, and currently, he is also our Lead Worship and Spiritual Growth Pastor. He is married to the love of his life, Shelbi, and they are expecting their first child. Shelbi has also served as the Women of Grace Director and supports Zach in all of his ministries as well.

Vanessa De Luna
Lead Next Gen PastorSend Email
Vanessa De Luna has been with CrossRoads since 2015. She started working in our Learning Center, then became the Assistant to our Children’s Ministry Director. She has also served as our in-house graphic designer at times. She has now been serving as our Lead Next Gen Pastor for the last year overseeing ministries to children, teens, and young adults.

Lisa De La Fuente
Lead Christian Education DirectorSend Email
Lisa De La Fuente has been serving at CrossRoads Christian Academy for more than 22 years. She first worked as a Kindergarten Teacher, then a First Grade Teacher and also worked in the Learning Center office. The past five years she has been the Director for the Academy and Learning Center. One of her new roles for this year is joining CrossRoads Community Church Ministry Team. She will help start new Academy’s, Learning Centers and Mother’s Day out programs at CrossRoads new Church campuses.

Keelie Beard
Uvalde Campus Bible TeacherSend Email
Keelie has been with CrossRoads Uvalde for a year now. Keelie grew up in the church and quickly learned she has a passion for worship. She volunteered on the praise team, and soon became our Worship leader for the Uvalde Campus. While still leading worship, she also serves as our Marketing Assistant and Graphic Designer. Keelie and Brenton, and their three kids are Montana natives, but have called Texas home for the past three years.

Rev. Thomas McKerlie
Albuquerque Campus PastorSend Email
Pastor Thomas is an Ordained Elder and is the Campus Pastor for Crossroads Albuquerque. He and his wife Ashley have been married for 13 years. Thomas is a retired member of the United States Air Force and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree with a focus on Pastoral Leadership. Thomas grew up in a broken home and struggled with abuse that led to addiction and eventually PTSD from combat in Iraq. He gave his life to Jesus Christ in a jail cell and is a new creation in Christ.