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Putting Childish Things Away
Putting Childish Things Away is the fourth and final message in the series "What's Love Got To Do Wi...
The Hiding Place
The Hiding Place is the second message in the series "What's Love Got To Do With It?"
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The Most Excellent Way
"The Most Excellent Way." This is the third message of the series "What's Love Got To Do With It?"
The Mindset of Calm
This is the third message in the series Calming the Chaos. This message focuses on the mindset God c...
The Place of Calm
This is the second message from the series "Calming the Chaos." Last week, Pastor Lee taught on the ...
Calming the Chaos - Jesus is in the Boat
Pastor Lee begins a new series teaching the Biblical principles necessary to maintain our inner peac...
Participating in the Divine Nature
God has invited us to participate in His Divine Nature. In this message, Pastor Lee digs into the Wo...
Triggered, Part IV: Loving Much
When we are triggered, we are loving little. Loving little is an indication of a presence of fear in...
Washing the Dirt (Part III)
In this third message of the four-part series, Pastor Lee teaches about the inner transformation at ...
Worship Through the Pain (Part II)
Worship through the pain.
Continuing from last week, Pastor Lee continues to draw out Biblical pr...
Overcoming Our Triggers (Part I)
Overcoming our Triggers.
Triggers are emotional over-reactions to a present moment that touches o...